privacy Policy

Tokai National Higher Education and Research System
Privacy Policy for Gifu Joint Degree Symposium 2020 Website

The “Gifu Joint Degree Symposium 2021” website (hereinafter called, “Website”) is being operated by the Tokai National Higher Education and Research System, Gifu University (hereafter referred to as, “System”). The System stipulates the Privacy Policy for the Website (referred to as, “Policy”) for handling of information (including personal information) of the Website users, in accordance with the Tokai National Higher Education and Research System Personal Information Protection Rules and Regulations.

1. Collection of Personal Information

  • A) The Website automatically collects the users’ Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, records of Website browsing, etc.
  • B) To provide the necessary services for the users, the System collects their personal information in the most proper and fair manner possible.
    The System asks the users to provide the following information for their use of the Website:
    □ Name
    □ Institute, Affiliation
    □ Telephone Number
    □ E-mail Address

2. Purposes of Information Use

The System will use the collected users’ information for the following purposes:

  • A) Provision, maintenance, protection, and improvement of our services including receiving applications from the Website users
  • B) Dealing with inquiries from the users
  • C) Dealing with violations of the service rules, regulations, and the Policy (collectively called, “Rules”)
  • D) Notification of changes in the Rules
  • E) Other purposes pertaining to all the above

3. Maintenance of Personal Information

  • A) From the perspective of protection of personal information, the System will properly maintain the collected users’ information and take every necessary step to prevent information leaks, alterations, losses, etc.
  • B) Excluding the cases that the Japanese Law stipulates otherwise, the System will not provide the users’ personal information to the third party without the users’ consent.
  • C) The System may commission an external agency(ies) to process the users’ personal information. In such a case, the System will properly monitor and supervise these agencies.

4. Disclosure, Correction, Suspension, and Deletion

In accordance with the Rules, the System will swiftly deal with the users’ requests for disclosure, corrections, suspension, deletions, etc. of their personal information within reasonable periods and in a reasonable manner.

Tokai National Higher Education and Research System Personal Information Disclosure Request

5. Contact

Please contact the following regarding personal information:

International General Affairs Office
International Engagement Division
Student Affairs Department
Tokai National Higher Education and Research System, Gifu University
Tel: 058-293-3351
Fax: 058-293-2143

6. Scope of Application

The Policy is applicable only to the Website

7. Changes of the Policy

The System will review the status of its handling of the users’ personal information from time to time to improve the Policy. To this end, the System may make changes in the Policy whenever deemed necessary. If such changes are made, the System will notify the users by posting such changes on the Website. However, for any changes that may need approvals from the System members, the same will be obtained in accordance with the Rules.

Established on October 24, 2023